Thursday 4 July 2013


It's very fair to say that our most requested piece of music EVER is Canon in D by Pachelbel. I decided to have a little 'dig around' into the history of the piece and discovered that it's not only Key Largo Trio that get asked for it a lot.  It has been the most popular and requested piece of music for a wedding since 1680!  Wow.  And it's officially the best known piece of classical music ever.

Mr Pachelbel

Not to detract from it's enduring popularity and elegant beauty, but when analysed, the piece is actually eight bars of music repeated 28 times!  Kind of cool really.

Anyway, to entertain ourselves we thought it might be fun to play around with it and we found that we could 'blend in' (a very good friend of mine has informed me I can only use the term 'mash up' if I am under the age of 21!)  the pop song 'True Colours' written by Billy Steinberg (lyrics) and Tom Kelly (music).  Apparently Billy wrote the lyrics for his mother!  

'True Colours,' made famous by Cyndi Lauper

So we had a little play, and a little practise and this is what we came up with.

Hope you like this lovely little Key Largo Trio 'mash up'.  Sorry.  Can't help it. I never did intend to grow old(er) gracefully!  


Thursday 18 April 2013

Key Largo Trio: Wedding Fair, Mad Hatter and Macklemore!

Key Largo Trio: Wedding Fair, Mad Hatter and Macklemore!: What a wonderful week it's been.  First of all, the kids have gone back to school (woohoo!) and I do apologise about sounding so...

Wedding Fair, Mad Hatter and Macklemore!

What a wonderful week it's been.  First of all, the kids have gone back to school (woohoo!) and I do apologise about sounding so excited about that. I absolutely love and adore my little divas, but jeez - I am more than happy to get back to work with a vengeance.

And on Sunday, an unfeasibly and most welcome warm day Key Largo Trio were excited to be at the Bedern Hall Wedding Fair which was put together by the Chief of Bedern, Mr Roger Lee and the lovely people of York Wedding Deals.

Here's some promo shots that featured in the York Evening Press.

How cool are these?

Nice to  be part of something creative and different.  After all, we've seen plenty of ethereal, romantically beautiful brides so how fun to see this rather theatrical twist!
Here's some little pics I managed to take whilst everyone was getting set up:

Rachel doing groovy hand thing!

Catherine looking sophisticated!

 It turned out to be both a strange and fantastic day.  Now I say                        

strange, because I didn't actually play much flute. That was in some large

part down to the fact that I had a dreaded lurgy and had a cough attack half

way through Pachelbel's Canon.  But also due to the fact that I decided to

chat to all the lovely soon-to-be married people instead.

I often get little chance to do this as I'm so involved in playing the music, and

it was a lovely change.  After all, I do like a good old natter about weddings.

Who doesn't?

 And I think the highlight of the day was talking to

a fab ukelele-loving couple who are hoping to have an unusual wedding,

perhaps even a Mad Hatters Tea Party style.

             Awesome.  I want to be there.
Catherine and I doing our 'Casually Looking At The Music' Look

In other Key Largo Trio news, we are soon to record a lovely version of the classic song 'At Last'  Here's a quick live recording

But we're going to add some bass flute and cello and then along with some beautiful wedding photographs by Nikki Bowling we're going to make a little promo video with it too.

And as a little bit of an adventure and fun task we're 'mashing up' Macklemore's massive chart hit 'Thrift Shopping' with Palladio.

This will feature eggs (the musical kind) and a little booty shaking.  It will however, be a
Sweary-Rap-Free zone.

We have limits x

I'd quite like to work that faux fur coat look though! Hee hee x

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Mishaps, Marilyn and Match of The Day

It's been an interesting week.  And not in a good way.  It went something like this...

Last Wednesday

The sky was blue, the sun was shining. It was a day of possibilities and things to be achieved.  So with a spring in my step I set out on the school run:

8.45am   Drop off a happy and healthy daughter to school.

9.15 Arrive home.

9.20  School phones to say daughter is most unwell and in a 'dreadful state'!  WHAT?  '

OK, I'll be right there' I answer calmly.

9.21  Panic.  Panic. Stress.  Panic.

Got a million things planned for the day ahead, and am mentally running the checklist.  What can I rearrange?  What do I need to cancel? And what on earth is wrong with my girl?

9.22  Hurrying to the door; brain is still buzzing with my kyboshed day, feet are moving down a step.  Brain and body do not connect and O.U.C.H - I've gone over on my ankle. And it doesn't feel good.

At all.

9.23  Involuntary tears shooting out of my eyes with the pain, (rather like a cartoon character or my aforementioned five year old in fact) I crawl on hands and knees back to freezer to grab ice packs.  (FYI - best piece of First Aid kit you could ever buy!)

9.24  Crawl back to phone to alert husband to the unfolding trauma.  Of course he's engaged.  So I keep pressing redial like a woman demented till he picks up.  Finally.  Now his day is more jam packed than mine.  I can almost hear his brain whirring down the phone line as he thinks about his scheduled appointments, meetings, phone calls etc. and with a very restrained super sigh he's gone.

And then I just have to wait.

Sadly,  the day didn't really get any better.  After waiting for husband and sick daughter to return and a lengthy wait at A&E, turns out I'd broken a small bone in my foot.  Nice.

To add insult to injury, the husband came down with a killer lurgy, the kids are taking it in turns to have days off school with various ailments and all the while, I'm hobbling around with ice strapped to my leg looking like some kind of escapee!

Talking of which, as an aside, and going back to the Hollywood Glamour of my last blog, how did Marilyn Monroe manage to look so good with a broken foot?  Here I am shuffling around with a tatty old slipper thing on my good foot; and a bandage, ice and a scarf wrapped most inelegantly round the other.   I must take heed indeed.  And dig out a sassy heel for the non injured foot.  (Might give the bikini a miss though.  Probably best.  For everyone.)

I have to confess the worry about when I can wear heels again has crossed my mind a few times.  I mean, of course I have bigger concerns.  Like when can I drive?  When can I run up and down the stairs carrying armloads of laundry? When can I do sport?  (Ahem! Getting Fit is still on my list!) But seriously - what about heels???

But enough with the misery.  There's been some happier moments.  And this week I hooked up with my fellow Key Largo Ladies and managed to record a new piece for You Tube.  'Match of the Day'.  Now normally I like to dance around a bit whilst playing flute, but as you can see, due to recent events, in this video I have been forced to sit on a stool.  Here's us having some fun:
Still smiling

Catherine having a cello moment

Rehearsal fun

So, what, you may ask, brings us to play a football theme?

Well one of our future brides-to-be has requested it so we thought we'd get creative with an arrangement of our own.  And my Elephant Foot is nicely out of shot.  Phew!

(Another recent request is a medley of CBeebies theme tunes which Rachel is going to arrange, so one for the kiddies coming your way soon   x)

So from Foot Trauma to Foot Ball.  Life is certainly never dull.

But it can throw you some fouls.
